Longleaf Hotel (former Days Inn)

I’ll reserve judgement, but it’s going to be a challenge to be an “above average” project given the starting point/bones.

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I’m afraid you’re right.

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You can certainly see where my triumphant fountain would go, on the back said, greeting everyone as they enter downtown, and in theory slow their speeds down.


I agree. At least the roach motel is getting a facelift, but with all the other hotels on deck I don’t think they will rise above the competition. Sorry to be a naysayer, but just really disappointed in what I have seen so far.

I think it would’ve been better if they demolished it and built something taller and more modern on the property.


I don’t think many people on this forum are going to argue with that. I don’t think the history that happened at the Days Inn is something we want to hold on to.


Also, it is such and interesting lot! They could have used the shape to make something really unique!


Not to mention that, depending on the height, it would make for an impressive entry view coming into downtown on Capital southbound.

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Especially if they put a monumental fountain on the north side!
It is really a gateway into downtown “proper” and deserves a great building. Maybe this remodeling is a good thing for now till density and demand can build and justify something special.


We gotta crowd fund that fountain idea.


And a multi theater movie complex :smiley:


Maybe a fountain that doubles as a movie screen! You’d barely have room for 2 “screens”.


@John that is the only way this city council would fund it!!

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Ha, ha, ha, ha. Love it! That said, I can imagine an outdoor theater set-up on top of the podium of Kane’s Phase 3 project. :wink:


So some CC candidates name as their opponents as. YIMBers. Is that us?

My wife’s company is doing some of this construction. I’m hoping to have more information soon, maybe even an exterior rendering. I know its not much, but here are the second floor plans.


A friend of mine is the manager, so I’ve seen some early renderings. It’s going to be a really nice spot with an outdoor patio/ bar area. Wait till it’s finished before making too many assumptions.


A similar situation occurred a few years back in downtown Beaufort, SC. An older flea bag motel was converted into a boutique hotel called City Loft Hotel. They did a nice job with the property. I’ve never stayed in it, but it looks nice.

If done right, this one could be nice as well.


Just kind of a random question but why the 2nd floor floor plan? She should just email you the .pdf file that should have the whole thing or the very least the arch plans which would give exterior elevations etc.

Well, her work only pertains to the interior up-fit portion of the construction. The first floor plans were almost completely covered with part numbers and prices for the interior finishes, which I deemed inappropriate to post on a public forum.