Longleaf Hotel (former Days Inn)

(ish) is coming along nicely. They are approaching the permitting process, and the build-out of the space is going well. This is absolutely going to be a food establishment to keep your eyes on, there are some really fun ideas being considered.


I have driven by this site several times in the past few weeks and I will have to comment that progress seems to be happening very slowly. I have seen a little to no activity in the past two weeks.


Another week has passed, and I still see little to no activity here. I hope this isn’t a bad sign.

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Well none of us would be upset if they just nuked the whole site and built something nice here finally.


I wish I could give an update but my wife is no longer involved with the project. They went with another GC, which may be related to their slow pace.

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Smooth move. Not. I hope that this doesn’t stall. It looks really bad now. Overgrown.

FWIW, the hotel is already on Instagram. So, they sure are pushing their social media game.


I see zero activity at the cafe (Ish?) in the last month and very little activity at the motel. Damn sure not going to make September. The whole project zone is an eyesore. Hope this turns around. The condition of the construction zone (IMO) is indicative of the type of contractor that is doing the work. Sure hope my instincts are wrong.


More like rubb “ish”

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Maybe they’re considering a more extensive development and have stopped for some re-design?


Doubt it tbh. Not impossible, but I’d be surprised. Seems like it was primarily an interior renovation with touch ups to the exterior, no major changes. It would be odd for that to change significantly mid way into a project. It’s more likely to be a problem, like something physical, like “oh noes we found ASBESTOS!” Or somebody hasn’t paid a bill and GC stopped all work.


Just some unexpected stuff found with the building. Nothing huge. Project is still on track.


What kind of stuff? Given the state of the old Days Inn, I’m expecting the dead bodies from that movie Seven…


Even scarier I heard they found requests for re-zoning lots for 40 stories. :open_mouth:


With the building, not in the building. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. If it were “in the building”, they would probably have to start from scratch!

Restaurant space is getting leveled and starting over from the ground up. Obviously will set things back a ways but will overall allow for more space and freedom with the design.


Probably a good plan. Wasn’t much left anyway.

They posted some stuff on Instagram today about getting some artwork for the rooms. A little ahead of themselves but I guess it doesn’t hurt to be prepared


and to keep some buzz alive while their completion date gets stretched out longer.

Yeah, not sure what all is happening there but doubt they open by the end of the year. Sorry, but the whole site just looks like hell.

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