Nash Square Apartments at Dawson/Martin

Perhaps they’re just knocking the Berkeley Cafe building down so it can go to unfulfilled building project heaven with Goodnights.


I’ve read this forum daily for two years without making an account but can no longer hold it in.

Please stop acting like developers here consistently tear stuff down just to not build. There are one-offs but come on dude. Offset each development you’re losing sleep over (still only hearing goodnights, so 1) by one that started unexpectedly or sooner than anticipated (capital square, the weld, civic campus), and it’s not reason for concern whatsoever. Your pessimism is obviously unwarranted, but unfortunately it can spread to other misinformed folks.

Looking forward to sharing realities from the ground with this group. No need to speculate when many clues/answers are right in front of us, or when firsthand information is accessible.


Several things:

  1. welcome
  2. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you
  3. I love that Gucci’s “humor” was such that it forced you to dive in and make this post

I’m starting my Tuesday off in a really good place.

Thanks everyone!!


Homie, with all due respect, relax lmao. We can be both: excited about all the new developments, including the “one[s] that started unexpectedly or sooner than anticipated” and ALSO be annoyed and pessimistic about 100 year old buildings (of which Raleigh has fewer and fewer left) being torn down for parking decks and/or delayed or potentially-never-built developments. Welcome to the community, but don’t come in here with an attitude like that, please.

EDIT: to add, as others have said, even that “pessimism” or annoyance is 9 times out of 10 just hyperbolic sarcasm. Like, yeah I’m personally annoyed every time I pass by the old Goodnight’s lot to see an empty pit of nothing, and will be when I see the Berkley building destroyed for a damn parking deck entrance - but at the end of the day, I vent about that annoyance here because we all share similar sentiments and love for the old historic buildings of our city. Beyond that, it really doesn’t even have an effect on my life. This forum is literally for discussing things that we both love AND perhaps are bothered by when it comes to Raleigh development. For the most part, as you should’ve noticed over the last 2 years - we’re all pretty much aligned in our optimism and hope for the future of Raleigh and its development. A few bothersome demolitions here and there are perfectly fine to be annoyed by and vent about with one another - again, that’s part of the concept of “community” here lol


2 years and still couldn’t pick up on Jeff’s humor. It was a sarcastic/slightly serious joke.

I’m genuinely touched that I’ve inspired you to finally break out of your shell. And you’re right, my first concern should absolutely be for the “misinformed folks” who nevertheless read my posts (and take them as gospel) on a forum dedicated to the minutia of new developments. How dare I lead them astray!? That was certainly not my intent. Instead, I have chosen to hold up our favorite pet example of a well known building that was torn down, while its replacement fell through. That was lazy of me. I should’ve done some research and listed every project. However, I’m still lazy, so I’m just going to name a few that come to mind:

Goodnight’s and Berkeley Cafe (for now), plus the old Goodwill site. We’ve got the Firestone lot languishing, the pit where The Lynde was supposed to go, that mess on Hillsborough St next to Target that has been half built for maybe a decade, some greasy spoon restaurant where the Zimmer tower was supposed to go…and then there’s the dozens of huge transformational, much hyped projects that have been getting announced and then quietly cancelled since I moved here 15 years ago. Most recently Smoky Hollow Phase 3 (and 4), 301H’s phase 2, the entire Edison project (including its multiple iterations of a single tower), the various proposals for both ends of Fayetteville St, the Bloomsbury phase 2, the Madison and other projects on Glenwood South (The Creamery is surely happening, just…not right now), the Kimpton which may actually happen someday, the entire Project Phoenix, the whole CAM expansion, the downgrade of RUSBus, tons of older ones like Powerhouse Plaza that I can barely remember, and most tragically, our still unfulfilled dream of the West St Tunnel!

I’m mostly being facetious now, but in all honesty, I picked on Goodnights because it’s similar to the Berkeley. Two recent cases of popular places in old buildings being pushed out to make way for something that hasn’t happened. I’ve made my peace with both, though. I genuinely like the Nash project, and I’m hopeful it gets started. I’m sorry my glib remark triggered you, though. Great first post!


I’m with @GucciLittlePig. He’s absolutely right, the Berkley building is a goner and this plot will sit empty for a decade at least. Maybe two decades. His posts have sucked all optimism from my soul.

That’s actually SH phase 3, not Zimmer. Technically speaking, Capital now plows over where Finch’s once was, as the new road runs a bit further west than the one it replaced, and Finch’s was right up against the old Capital.


You are correct sir. My mistake. I was so overcome by overwhelming pessimism, I didn’t know what I was saying.

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I think that you were under demonic possession. Glad that I could exorcise you. :imp: :angel:


Better than trying to exercise me, with your constant walking everywhere… I’m too lazy for that.


Maybe if you didn’t sleep so much?

I don’t have a photo, but they were definitely clearing the lot. Looked like more than just mowing


Does anyone know where the ASR is at in terms of approval?

So here are photos from today @OakCityDylan


Let it be known that I’m giving the middle finger emoji to the image of the Berkley building all boarded up and ready to be demolished for a parking deck entrance - not to you.


Wow so this might actually be happening! I know JokeCityDylan said this one was quietly not on hold awhile back. But he doesn’t even live here, so I assumed that was a Joke.

Like I said before, I’ve made my peace with the Berkeley moving and this building coming down. I just want it not to be in vain. If they’re moving forward with construction, then I’m good.

And thanks for getting pics. I didn’t want to wait until Thursday when I’m back downtown again.


No problem. Glad I could snag a few pics. With the current market I know some new construction is on hold, so when I see grading it’s a good day! Guess Oak City Dylan still has eyes in multiple locations!


Surprised no one thinks they are just spreading ABC so it can be used for a parking lot.

Considering the ASR hasn’t been approved and there is exactly 0 permitting activity, I’d say a parking lot is actually not a bad bet :frowning: