Prince Hall Historic District

I think the CC meeting was yesterday but I couldn’t attend. Does anyone know if that 10 townhouse project on the corner of Cabarrus and Bloodworth got approved?

According to the N&O, the decision was pushed out two weeks.


Interesting new proposed house popped up on the RHDC agenda… 214 E. Cabarrus


“THAT” is a house? :rofl:

Sorry, it looks like a great older office building ready to be retrofitted for condo conversion… :wink:

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It looks fake.

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Looks like a fire department


Also there’s a request to demo the building at 322 E Cabarrus for a temporary parking lot and future project.


While not the most attractive home, that location with a large two car garage will sell close to 7 figures. I have a feeling this will be subdivided into two homes, selling each around the $600k area.

That would be a pretty decent garage set up for 1 home though.


That’s a daycare. Can’t imagine the cost of sending your child there! haha

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Looks like I’m in the minority, but I actually like it


I’m personally not put off by the design – it just seems like such a waste of the location. I can’t believe we’re still building new SFHs a block off of Fayetteville St.


If the 10 townhouse project gets approved along with this development, the corner of Bloodworth and Cabarrus will look completely different in a couple years.

I’m also a huge fan of the re-purposed homes turned into boutique hotels on the opposing corner to this proposal.


FWIW, based on the floor plan, the garages look too narrow to use for cars unless they are some tiny cars. Maybe its workshop space? :man_shrugging:

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Generally agree, but in this case its a 0.08 acre lot surrounded by church parking lot and zoned DX-3 and in a historic district. Not sure there are many other options at this spot.


I like the purported goal, but I’m getting flashbacks of the Exploris plan. What are the chances this ends in a sale to Highwoods or some other real estate speculator and we have a gravel parking lot there for 10 years.

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Ah, music to my ears!

You need a Tesla with the app so you can “pull the car in” without actually being in it.

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It took me a second to find the plans but after reading them in detail here is what I found :

This will be a single family home built by the homeowner:
“Phillip D. Pabst, Jr. (applicant) wishes to construct a 3-story brickmasonry building to serve as his family residence on a 0.082-acre parcel located at 214 E Cabarrus Street (property) in Raleigh, North Carolina.”
-Good for him! That will be an awesome location and home to live in!

These will be garage doors, just two single ones. I looked up Overhead’s Envy collection (the specific ones from the plans) and they only make them in 8x7(single) and 16x7(double). They are an all glass garage door with mirrored finishes. Envy Collection - Overhead Door Company™

Although the garage will only be 304 square feet total, and it appears the majority of the first level will be living area, it’s still awesome to have garage space downtown period.

Also someone mentioned it’s a waste of prime real estate this close to downtown to place a single family home, and while I agree. Wait until you see what was “razed” or flatten in the plans to make-way for gravel parking just on Cabarrus st alone.

The Deluxe Hotel is one example :


Rezoning for this project has been approved by the city council. Current houses on the site will be moved instead of demo’ed if takers can be found.


That’s good news, did it mention how much time would be allotted to find someone willing to move them?

Don’t know, that wasn’t stated.

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