Raleigh In The News around the country/world


Pretty darn impressive shot of downtown, especially the sky. And Raleigh gets the photo to represent the state, instead of the Metro-that-shall-not-be-named.


There isn’t an outdoor deck outside of the Holiday Inn, and this can’t be from the Quorum Center, their decks don’t angle this direction. Might be photo shop.


Oh it’s 100% photoshop haha - BUT this may end up being a somewhat accurate view (minus the obvious exclusion of Pendo tower right up front) from 400H!


I initially thought it was from Pendo, but I see now its not, lol. Photoshop would also explain the killer sky, lol.

While looking at this photoshopped view, the music one is imagining playing in ones head is autotuned.


Pretty well-known youtuber, CGP Grey, tests Tesla Self-Driving feature in downtown Raleigh!


I’ve watched CGP Grey videos for years and if I passed him on the street I would have no idea. Cool that he did the video here, though I do wonder why here (I thought he was in the UK).

So cool. I’ve had a Model 3 since 2018 and it’s honestly perfect for DTR’s street grid.

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I find it disturbing that the general public is all unwillingly part of the beta testing of self driving cars. What could go wrong?


I mean… how else are we supposed to develop them?

With professional drivers who are being paid to pay close attention and immediately make corrections when the vehicle makes a mistake. Instead, Tesla is just allowing anyone who can afford a Tesla to test out a high-risk feature. There have already been many reports of Tesla self-driving crashes that could have been avoided with operator attentiveness, and some of those have been fatal.


Exactly. Not just letting any idiot with a Tesla get in their car and let it drive them around with them in the backseat (or whatever).

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Is the suggestion human driving is less risky than autonomous? I’ve seen data point after data point on this and it’s not even close. Instead of looking at autonomous as beta, perhaps consider it’s an effort to make driving safer before it (autonomous driving) is perfect. Lord knows human drivers are far from it and we aren’t getting any better.

If there’s data so suggest otherwise of course I’m all ears.


The suggestion is that there are still a lot of instances where autonomous driving is actually more dangerous than an attentive driver (particularly in urban areas). And it seems like there are a lot of Tesla fans who are overly-confident in their car’s capabilities and therefore think it’s safe to play around on their phones or even take a nap instead of paying close attention.

Until the technology is fully developed, I’d much prefer it to be limited to paid, professional drivers/testers. Also, if there isn’t already, there absolutely needs to be a feature that recognizes whether or not someone is actually in the driver’s seat.

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I have no doubt that if all the cars on the road were self driving, they would be much safer, not even close. But they aren’t. People driving cars, or pedestrians, cyclists, animals, etc. so weird unpredictably things. And there is no way, currently, that self driving AI can account for all of that. In the future, yes. But not currently.

It’s irresponsible to release beta software to the general public for full self driving cars at this stage.


2021 is on pace to be the worst for accidents and fatalities in a decade. At city speeds I would trust any autonomous car over any 16 year old texting. The last couple of rear-end accidents I have seen at 25mph zones appear the second car didn’t even touch the brakes, obviously not paying attention. One of the main reasons I fear riding any two wheeled vehicle on the street unless it’s a scooter where I can jump out of the way.

My company attended an autonomous driver seminar for long haul tractor trailers. The current model they are aiming towards is similar to “auto-pilot” like aviation. The driver will taxi, load and unload similar to airplane pilots job with getting into the proper terminal and taking off. Then once the driver has reached an auto-pilot approved highway he can set the truck in that mode and trust the highway has accounted for every inch of lane marking, etc.


I’d rather be around a beta test car with an alert driver than someone texting and driving.

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Agreed, but again, we’re presuming an alert and attentive driver. The video that I linked above does a great job of demonstrating just how critical that is in an urban setting:

Edit: and I should reiterate, I’m not arguing that we shouldn’t be testing this in real world settings. What I am arguing is that over-zealous Tesla fans with no training in beta testing a 4000lb vehicle should not be the ones doing it.

I was in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago, they are running pilot programs with Uber where two people are sitting in the front while the car is autonomous.

The driver is in position to react if something goes wrong and the passenger is taking notes. They would only allow 3 people in the car because of this and also alert the Uber rider beforehand they are getting into a self driving car.

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