Show Off Things From Other Cities

The (for Raleigh residents, probably) odd feeling when Chapel Hill somehow ends up getting cool cycling and walkable downtown amenities Raleigh is struggling with

That is a concept sketch for one of several upgrades the Town of Chapel Hill’s thinking of building for the bus stop next to the Italian restaurant 411 West.

Franklin St. is the main street running through downtown Chapel Hill, and used to be a 4/5-lane road with curbside parking (read: a pain to drive, cycle, or bus through). So it decided to work with NCDOT to use fewer car lanes and add bike lanes -but the pandemic gave the town an excuse to have a temporary head start:

Example image of Chapel Hill's temporary bike lane

Just a reminder that your stereotypically-NIMBY town can have nice things, too, sometimes :wink: Several restaurants in Chapel Hill have been taking advantage of the above experiment to expand outdoor seating onto what used to be the sidewalk. I’m kinda surprised I haven’t seen anything like this in Raleigh…

You can see this and more in the meeting packet for the town’s Public Transit Committee meeting this past Tuesday.