Show Off Things From Other Cities

Still kind of wild to think around 180k people live in Cary and it’s nothing but suburban sprawl. If they ever started embracing density they could easily crack 200k and maybe catch Fayetteville (hovering around 207k). Don’t think they’ll catch Winston-Salem anytime soon who’s around 250k.


They should just merge with Raleigh. Downtown Cary can be another node like North Hills.


And merge with downtown Apex on the other side and have the Caraleighpex metro area :smiley:


I mean it already has Car in the name, so that seems well suited to our new metropolis.


He’s a clever little pig, isn’t he? :pig2: :brain:

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Bike infrastructure in Cambridge :ok_hand:t4:

It would be great to see similar bike tracks in and around Dix Park in the future.


Lake Wheeler Rd improvements are an excellent start! Just need to get it better connected with downtown


The comments didn’t disappoint.


These people are clueless. But they are right, downtown Raleigh only has like eleventy billion parking spots. Don’t be like us! Oh, they think there are no parking spots for their oversized SUVs……


Remember Cary is denser than Raleigh was when Raleigh was at 180,000.


Downtown Cary is many things, many of which I like (good food! new townhouses! Bond Brothers!), but charming is not one of them. This should actually make it more charming by being walkable and shady and not a surface parking lot or 70s strip mall.

Also “Where are people supposed to park” is a delight. You knew that was coming.


In all honesty, parking is pretty tight during the weekends and evenings in DT Cary. They need a municipal deck in that Bond Bros area so people can park and then walk around. Obviously most people are driving in.

To clarify, I’m talking about a separate parking issue from this mentality that there needs to be surface parking all over that these FB people are complaining about.


“Where are people supposed to park?” = “How will I be able to park immediately outside the front door of these buildings so I only need to take 3 small steps from my car?”

100% of the time.


True. I’m assuming this development is going to have a bunch of parking decks - Cary doesn’t mess around with that kind of thing.

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Yeah I would think so. They put that municipal lot by Bond Bros a few years back, thinking that would help, but then everything blew up. I know there’s a deck that should have some public parking (way down Chatham St near Kababish) coming as part of the office/apartment complex, but that’s fairly far away from the center of downtown for most people. I mean, we run that route every week, but I can’t see people wanting to walk a mile down a busy road with their kids. It’ll help for the 2 breweries going in even further down maybe?

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There’s already an empty parking deck on the municipal campus…

Related, here’s a thread about the DT Cary site we are developing and how Cary’s parking requirements are hurting.


Evan, please. That parking deck you mentioned is NOT immediately outside the front door of the specific building I want to go to. I need to be able to take a step out of my car and directly into the front door of that specific establishment, otherwise, there is essentially nowhere to park!!!1!!


Lol, exactly…

There is such a cultural shift that needs to happen, but it’s slowly happening.

My office is .4 miles from Pro’s Epicurean in DT Cary, and I regularly walk there and DiFara for lunch. I’ve convinced others that walking is better, cheaper, healthier, and easier than driving and looking for parking. If I always drove to lunch, others would. By choosing to walk, I’ve brought others along with me. When people are surrounded by car-first culture only, they don’t see how much better/easier the alternative of walking is.

EDIT: If DiFara opened a spot in DTRaleigh selling those delicious pies by the slice, they would KILL it.


Ohhhhh my god that place… the sandwiches and their French onion soup… excuse me while drool waterfalls down from my mouth :drooling_face:


Yep! Went there yesterday!! Gotta try the french onion soup.