Show Off Things From Other Cities

Yup. LA has a bunch of the densest neighborhoods in the US. It is far from a mass transit haven.


Density + driving = :pensive:

Southern California is also notorious for density out of necessity. On paper it’s impressive density. In reality it’s terrible planning.

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Yes. Im from Walnut Park, it’s 0.748 sq mi and 16,000 people. Walnut Park is an unincorporated area that is mostly just rows of housing in the middle of LA, you can walk across it 10 minutes tops.

Downtown Raleigh is more tha 1 sq mi and 12,000ish people.

There’s nothing worse than high density car dependency. There are a LOT of places that fill that bill.

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Is it a nice place to live, in your opinion?

It’s between Compton and the Gateway Cities and below the jet path of LAX. So not really.

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Morrisville has a lot of upzoned lots and “townhouse”-style development that looks like this

So points for density but still very suburban.


Wow I thought this was Paris for a minute! ::swoons::

North Raleigh is basically another city to me. Definitely more remote than Morrisville.


Same. I probably know car-pex/ morrisville better than n Ral. I dont think Ive ever been on 540.

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I’m in Madison, WI right now and the walk from the state capitol to the UW Union Terrace is pretty cool. Most of State Street is closed to cars. Makes me wish Raleigh had that kind of retail and food down one street but that’s just not us. I’m thinking it would be cool to find just one block to close for a summer and we go BIG. Like close the street to cars, paint the street, hang up some lights, art, just go high quality on it all. Then iterate each year. Which block? Not sure yet.


I’ve been to Madison, but unfortunately each time was in the Winter.
That said, State St. was the same with limited vehicles (only transit).
What street in Raleigh? How about Fayetteville St.?


Also, it’s super cool to see Madison just months away from having their BRT system start. These stations are all over town and I’m hoping to get the same feels along New Bern sometime soon. :slight_smile:


Chatham Park backs up to the mighty Haw, not RDU. Plus it’s got Disney. They can make trees and super heros.



Another win for the region, always good.


So admittedly I was skeptical when I first heard about Amsterdam’s massive underwater bike parking garage. Seemed like the Dutch flexing on everyone else as usual. But considering the prime location, landuse restrictions, and (very) high ridership it makes a ton of sense. I’m now officially Dutch-pilled. Pictures don’t do it justice. Maybe we need one of these under Lake Johnson?


Richmond’s latest tower on the rise. Over 425 feet tall. Far exceeding any proposed development in Raleigh for sure. Would have been taller if not for COVID.


The Creamery tower will be pretty close, no? The Eastern is 404 feet high with a story fewer.

The Nash Square Apartments will be 410, and they just pulled site prep permits.


Ok so they’ll have ONE tower competing with our height, whatever…

Who am I kidding, their skyline already beats ours for density alone :sweat_smile: