Hey y’all, I typically refrain from posting here as I don’t want to intrude upon your space. But thought I’d jump on to provide some transparency to what happened with this vote.
I voted against the motion to deny (Mayor Baldwin did too).
I met with the neighbors on this case at least twice. I also respect Councilmember Harrison and agreed with many of her statements. However, this rezoning request was consistent with the comprehensive plan, the future land use map, the urban form map, and the planning commission recommended approval unanimously (8-0). Staff recommended we the hold the case until June to allow them time to work with the applicant on a development agreement for the park and revised conditions. I supported giving them the extra month to see if we could get to “yes” on this case with the needed 5 votes.
The neighbors’ primary concern was height. It’s a narrow, long parcel already zoned for 12 stories, and the farther down the street you go, the closer you are to residential single-family homes on the other side of the train tracks. Closest to Peace Street, it’s mostly businesses and some multi family residential up the hill. Also, right along Peace Street there are already several taller buildings, including a planned 40-story building that was approved by the 2017 City Council as part of the Smoky Hollow development project. I had hoped that the applicant would maybe agree to put most of the height on Peace St., near those other taller buildings, and maybe agree to step down the rest of the parcel. That way, the tallest building would be near the other tall buildings, and the rest of the site would transition in scale. I shared those ideas with the applicant.
I don’t know if we would’ve gotten there, but I would’ve given them the extra month to try. As it stands now, they can still build on this site, 12 stories, the entirety of it, we’re not going to get any affordable units (which I know several council members wanted to see) money for the park or an agreement to build the park faster.
Now it’s time to regroup to figure out how we can still accomplish at least our goals with the park.
Regarding the small businesses, the site can already be developed 12 stories. I do agree that finding ways to incentivize smaller retail spaces that are more affordable to small businesses or perhaps the city providing some incubator space would be an important goal. We’re already doing something similar on Fayetteville Street with the teaching kitchen and food hall.
Always happy to connect via email: jonathan.melton@raleighnc.gov