Even the new hotel next door has a stretch of surface parking in front of it. Could’ve at least eliminated the setback and started creating an urban environment there, but instead…
The developer of Wegmans really missed the boat. All those single story, stand-alone shops on the front are just weird.
Should at minimum have done some 5 story apartments over ground floor retail on that site.
Wegman’s is infill, but it certainly isn’t urban infill. The only really significantly scaled project that I’d call urban infill going on right now is Smoky Hollow.
Pretty sure there is a standard mega block style apartment building going in behind Wegmans…at least that’s what I think I saw from TJs last time there. Presumably it fronts Industrial.
This week followed by last week. Have a good weekend and a Good Thanksgiving fellow readers.
Parapet wall frames are up and in the distance (zoom - it’s high res) you will see the entrance ramp from peace to northbound capital is getting closer to open as well as other progress on the bridge.
I’m dying for them to start cladding the side of the phase 1 Parking deck that you see here.
They aren’t. Paint on the back. Cladding on the sides is done.
I’m realizing where they’re stopping now. It makes me kind of sad. I hope whatever they paint will be amazing, but I think it would be better painted over screening.
It confuses me because it’s going to be his other buildings that have to stare at it so one would think he would want it to look nice.
Why are you assuming the mural / painting won’t be nice?
I noticed they put in standard lighting under the new bridge on capital
I know they are going to put some nice lighting on the sides… with everything we can do with LED lighting today… I was hoping they would do something that was creative and nice under as well. Something that would be engaging and welcoming to walk through … oh well. I’ll hold final opinion until when this project is complete.
I agree. In was disappointed to see those old lights. What do we get for $1m?
Are they at least LED lights underneath?
Not sure if it’s LED or not… but they look like standard lights you would see on the back of a building (like a home depot or grocery store in the suburbs) just to provide light. Something from the 70s or 80s maybe? Idk… but if you google image “under bridge lighting” you will see all sorts of great ideas we could have done here. Maybe the thought was if we do something really great under, it would take away from the sides?
I think uplighting under the bridge would like nice too… I just hope what they have in place isn’t the end result.
There are 6 fewer days between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year… I guess they are trying to get their fix.
lol I’m assuming this is joke, being that’s the traditional topping out tree. You can tell there are no glass ornaments for the cat to break.
I bet I could attach an ornament to the drone (or a tree topper) and land it on the tree. Could be a fun Sunday activity.
Lol yes I was just joking. I know about the top put trees. This isn’t the first building I’ve obsessively watched go up