Smoky Hollow Phases 1, 2, and 3

Sweet. Q4 2020?

  • A few years.

You’re welcome, I’m glad I gave you the idea lol.

Oh the idea has been out there. In this forum as well as our FB page. In fact, @OakCityDylan and I put a projector out there over the winter that projected snowflakes and such.


I think we needed a few extra lumen.

I was on a tight budget.

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Maybe someone can grab a picture and post - I walked by SH last night and they have made a lot of progress recently on rust-red cladding, storefront glass on the retail spaces, and brick veneer. Looking much closer to a finished building.


I’ll be downtown for dinner early this evening. I can grab a picture or two


I know this isn’t what you are looking for, but here is a view from above. @GucciLittlePig, the orange siding he mentions is visible on West street on the Publix side of The Line apartments.


Its gotta be a struggle to stare out at those empty parking spots…?
Here’s to some future time when those spaces are earning their investment :upside_down_face:

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As an addendum to that post, this view surely shows that not only do we ‘waste’ space for the future opportunity of parking cars but we also waste some of the best space for parking compressors / air handlers… :roll_eyes:

Recall this is a 10 story deck. Not sure how many cars will end up there.

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Where else are you going to put the condensing units? There’s one per apartment.


Right. That’s kinda the point of my post. How would you expect you’ll be just staring at those empty parking spots? Are those what’s ‘required’ parking or what the developers felt was needed? Bummer.
At least, to Alan’s point - you ‘need’ the condensing units even though it’s certainly not pretty nor utilizing some prime rooftop opportunity.

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You can really appreciate what a tremendous difference this project is making to DTR. Wow.
Its like my little town is growing up to be a big city! I am just so proud!


I miss being able to see all the updates in person but thank Leo for this forum! Thx for the pics, @R-Dub!


when you’re driving into downtown on capital blvd, the city looks so dense with smokey hollow to the right and raleigh crossing peeking above the trees. it’s crazy how much it’s changed in just the past year or two.


You are right. I just noticed that this morning coming back from North Raleigh.