Smoky Hollow Phases 1, 2, and 3

Our office is moving into 510 Glenwood with approx 60 employees. Hope to impact the lunch scene!


Excellent! I live at 510 Glenwood. Welcome to the building.

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I really like the Archdale. It looks formidable, towering, and oddly makes me think of Gotham City.


Aw you don’t think the UTS Tower is purty? For what’s worth, SkyHouse is technically brutalist.

The inability of the bathrooms to vent, the windows to not leak when it rains and the elevators to not stop in between floors is very formidable.

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I did an internship with the NCGS my senior year at NCSU. The Archdale building was in rough shape back then, and that was nearly 20 years ago. That is the one “highrise” in DTR that I would like to see gone.


I think we met at the Glenwood South mixer at Clockwork. :slight_smile:

And sorry again for the construction noise. :frowning_face:

Yikes! Aesthetically speaking, there’s something about the semi-brutalist architectural style that really works for the Archdale (as opposed to other brutalist-esque structures I’ve seen, imo). I think it’s one of my favorite towers downtown, tbh. There’s something about it that just feels/looks so iconic, which might just have something to do with it’s positioning at the northern edge of downtown (and perhaps the lack of any surrounding “high rises”).
It’s so unfortunate to hear it’s (been) in such disarray on the inside though. Elevators getting stuck inbetween floors on the reg sounds like a nightmare ahahaha


Archdale has had no updates in it’s ~40 years. Not sure what the white exterior material is - concrete?

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They feel like concrete to the touch but I wouldn’t know how to make them white like that…its not paint. Despite working in it, my biggest gripe about Archdale is how it orients to the street. If faces away entirely…doesn’t touch a sidewalk at all. It was designed so that you’d drive into the underground parking garage and take an elevator from the parking garage to your office and never have to interact with the scary people downtown. Dystopian approach at its finest.


It’s certainly about style and taste. Personally, I think the Archdale building is just plain ugly. And it’s neighbor, the architect institute, falls into the same category.

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Wasn’t me. I’ve been out of town since mid February.

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Scary people and a scary climate. Remember when this went up “they” were predicting the coming ice age!


There’s a book on my book shelf’s somewhere named something like " the coming Ice Age’ from early 70’s.


I am ALL for a 40 story building in phase III. Would love to see part of that as a high end hotel with a nice restaurant / bar and spa. High end spa because all we have right now is the Umstead… which is amazing but always booked… so we have the demand. And if I am dreaming… I would also like some sort of high balcony with restaurant/bar facing south with views of Raleigh.

I am curious if a 40 story would look strange next to all the short buildings next to it? I wish Kane could add more hight to phase II which would also allow for more commercial opportunity.

My opinion… I think the phase III tower would look amazing if Kane did something similar to the JOHN HANCOCK building in Chicago. I love that building. I also think it would really look perfect in the Smokey Hollow area. Would add to the area with a very industrial look. Or at least a building similar in look.

We definitely need Kane to really put some effort into it to create a real powerful statement vs. just another boring 12 story building.


I think you’ll find @R-Dub, I and maybe a couple of others in this forum appreciate that Kane was sensitive to the residents of the West condos when they planned Phase II and didn’t completely kill our view. As it stands now, Phase 2 will likely block some of the horizon for the 5th, maybe 6th floor units, but shouldn’t be too bad for 7 and above.

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In all honestly, I would expect that the units on 5 and 6 were much cheaper because they are overlooking the top of that parking garage anyway. With the new office building in phase 2 and a potential tower in phase 3, even these folks will have a new city view.

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Lol…it’s the chance “everyone” takes when you purchase/rent a home. :upside_down_face:

Dystopian is a great word for that building! I love just about anything dystopian. To me it draws emotion, like oppressive etc, which makes the building something special imo. As for the interior, it’s unfortunate it is in such poor shape. That can be fixed and it sounds like it seriously needs renovation.

Edit just to add…ohhhhh, John Hancock building, another building with a dystopian vibe! Of course that might just be because of the prevalence in the Divergent series (books are way way better than the movies.)

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I do like the dystopian stuff too. I’ve always hoped it gets kept I just have a few ideas to address the ground floor situation so it has some better urban form. The design was certainly unique and bold then and I think still is now. On the inside there was just a truck full of old pipes (like 12 diameter stuff) being hauled way, that hopefully helps the water quality. However this week a fan came loose in an HVAC unit on the roof and was rattling the entire north side of the building. Had me worried for a minute.

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