The Depot DX-20 rezoning (327 Davie, 320 Cabarrus)

I walk by pretty frequently. There always seems to be one or two guys there, but the progress I see is painfully slow.

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There are workers at the to be brewery doing stuff almost every day. But it is kinda like watching paint dry. Or like watching 615 Peace. You get the idea.


They completely rebuilt the West wall of the warehouse last month. Recently they added new gutters, and they’ve been tearing up the concrete just outside the south wall over the last week. My guess is that they keep running into surprises.


RIP :skull_and_crossbones:


The inside of the space has moved along quickly - they’ve got walls up, the bar is pretty much built (not finished), etc. If you go look through the windows it basically looks ready to go on the interior.

Windows, garage doors, etc have all been replaced. Not too much more to do for a brewery inside a warehouse… I’m curious what the plan is for the exterior space, and if that terrible cell tower will leave once the lease expires. Let the Fairweather lease some antenna space on the roof to SBA and help pay those high HOA fees!!


This was actually discussed at The West to generate additional COA revenue but it will be a cold day in hell before there’s any luck getting The Fairweather to vote in approval for cell antennae on the rooftop. I wouldn’t support it. We did our best in the inaugural year of finances to ensure we were putting our best foot forward with budget planning for decades to come. So unless that plan falls apart for some unpredictable reason(s), that won’t be happenin’.

There have been informal discussions about things like wind and solar power generation but that too would be a bit of an uphill challenge (different considerations from cell from a finance/revenue perspective obv).

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I sure hope they’re planning on building some fun activities to do in the warehouse once you’re in there… only so many “empty warehouse brewery where you can go … drink beer” places can pop up in one city before everyone gets bored as sh!t with them…


You can also bring your little kids to watch you day drink, and then let them run around everywhere unattended. So, that’s 2 activities…


Good to know. I need to make a point to go by again and check it out.

…and don’t forget your unleased dogs!!!

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Honestly I come for the dogs as much as the beer. Coincidentally I have 2 dogs (that don’t go to breweries) and no kids, so I recognize my bias. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lots of surveying and equipment at 320 W Cabarrus Street all week.