Zimmer - Peace at Capital (SE Corner) - 506 Capital Blvd

I laughed when I saw on Twitter when city staff said they opposed some of the TIA recommendations because it would undo the pedestrian improvements they made at Capital & Peace.

Well what did you think was going to happen when a TIA was done in a downtown/urban setting…


What were the recommendations that they opposed?

I have no idea but from keita’s memo link shared on June 12:

Proposed Mitigations
KHA has recommended changes to intersections near the site in order accommodate the additional
vehicle traffic that would be generated by the development per the rezoning. These changes include
the addition of channelized turn lanes, changes to existing lane markings, and changes to signal
phasing. These changes have impacts to the rest of the system, particularly bicycle and pedestrian
travel along Peace Street. They would serve to increase motor vehicle priority in the area, and would
increase the relative priority for trips to and from this site compared to the rest of the traffic in the
area. For instance, one proposed mitigation by KHA would add a second westbound right turn lane
on Peace Street at the northbound Capital Boulevard ramp. This change introduces barriers to nonmotorized travel along the north side of Peace Street, and is physically very difficult to construct
based on the recent improvements that have been completed by NCDOT. The applicant and KHA
have been informed that Transportation Department staff is not in agreement their proposed suite of
traffic mitigations.


Thanks. With the addition of a substantial Zimmer project, it only strengthens the argument that the long entrance/exit ramps from Capital should be treated like a separate road and not just a mechanism to funnel a car priority world. At least that’s my opinion on it. If this project goes forward as zoned, it’s only time before the Jersey Mike’s strip gets redeveloped into something more substantial (though I don’t imagine it being 40 stories immediately adjacent to The Cotton Mill). The potential for pedestrian traffic at both side of the Peace/Capital intersection is enormous. Add a transit station to the east side of Zimmer and you really have a game changer that will require us to shift the priority away from cars.


Didn’t see this related article from N&O posted here yet so I though I would. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/counties/wake-county/article245426835.html


What I noted about that article was how the developers are still looking to land a whale of a company to take the office space. However, they were also ready to make the building mostly residential if they can’t find said company. I hope something good comes from this!


The render they previously released is amazing. Straight fire :fire:. Would be one of the best looking buildings in the state. Trying not to get my hopes up bc they don’t even have a plan and whatever is built will likely not look like the render.


I think I forgot to update the thread that I inquired a month ago or so about this project from Zimmer and they said everything is still happening. They’ve been focused on the brownfield remediation mostly. How amazing would it be to see two BIG cranes up on either side of Capital in a year or two?


The retention wall on the Peace Street side is also falling down. I’m not sure who is responsible but it’s ready to collapse soon.


Somehow I completely forgot this got through CC last year.
Thanks to the little birdie that reminded me!


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You should be able to like a deleted post. Just sayin’.


Is THAT should or should not - chuckles - I did a like on your previous deleted post

Oh sweet. I got 3 likes on my deleted post. :slight_smile:
I meant should. It’s kind of silly of course.


I just assumed it was something awesome that you were keeping from us, but still worth a like.

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Fishing for likes? Not to worry, I liked your deleted post! :wink:


Update about this project but sadly no timetable. In essence, we are not in a rush.


My biggest takeaway is that they actually have an agreement with CSX for a ped bridge over the tracks.


Downtown Raleigh has become a sea of construction, with new, towering projects in various stages of development looming overhead.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but there are a dozen other cities with more cranes in the sky than we have buildings over 10 stories. Downtown Raleigh isn’t exactly a “sea of construction” IMO. I just hate the embellishment when we’d love half of the cranes Boston, Nashville, Austin, etc have. I can’t imagine what the articles would say then!
:sob: :confounded: :exploding_head: :tired_face: :triumph:


Even taking with a grain of salt, I’m somewhat more optimistic about this project. Maybe from the sounds of them willing to be flexible on the uses to make it work?

He’s gotta be thinking about the other misc properties if he’s talking about the possibility of a 2nd tower?