Zimmer - Peace at Capital (SE Corner) - 506 Capital Blvd

Are there any updates for this project?

I really hope this project is constructed.


It will be a miracle at this point but fingers crossed.


The zoning request was last amended July 18 of last year, and is still listed as “PC TBD” as of last Friday. I assume this means it’s still due to come in front of the Planning Commission, first. From this city-made infographic (found on this webpage)…

…the Planning Commission comes in during the third of 4 steps to rezoning (and a site review still has to happen before shovels can be in the ground).

But Zimmer may be stuck even earlier in the process -by their own doing (click me to see why).

If a rezoning request were to happen, another public meeting plus a Commission review needs to come first (and I’m sure y’all would know about it and be all over that). Since that’s not happening, could it mean Zimmer is still working on answering the city’s request for design changes, so they asked the city to freeze its application?

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While I do feel that the our city should have some amount of oversight, I am beginning to think that the Planning Department/Commission should just have most requirements in a document that a developer can look up, follow and be freakin done with such a lengthy process…I mean, really!
“How many licks does it take to get to the center?” :wink:

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I agree with what you’re trying to say (in that it’d be nice, in general, to have a yes-or-no answer for whether a new development project is going to happen). But going back to what you are saying:

The legal version of this (complete with punishments for breaking this) is what zoning codes are. The whole reason why this mess is happening is because Zimmer wants to go against the current zone.

Keep in mind that Raleigh has both a zoning code (a law that the city must enforce) and a Comprehensive Plan (a long-term wish list). The annoying thing about this is the Zimmer proposal matches up with the Comprehensive Plan but not the current zoning code. A lot of backstage problems were corrected in 2013’s Unified Development Ordinance, but that still doesn’t change how the two documents don’t perfectly match up. This is why so many people on this forum talk about their favorite projects don’t get the DX-40’s they deserve.

It’s not like bureaucracy is happening for bureaucracy’s sake, either. You need to separate zoning laws from your dreamy plans because what you want/need to build today doesn’t always equal what you dreamed of 7 years ago.

I said this in the transit threads, and I’ll say it again: if you don’t like this, learn the rules and be in a place to change them. Otherwise,… …I’ll let other people say it:


My update from Feb: Zimmer - Peace at Capital (SE Corner) - 506 Capital Blvd - #347 by OakCityDylan


That what I’ve been saying this whole time…

It a messed up system and needs to be changed… The mayor planning Commission needs to be reformed and the Unified Development Ordinance needs to be changed or amended or whatever it such a process and it shouldn’t.

From the May 12 Planning Commission Agenda:

Recommended Action: Defer the item to no later than the June 9 meeting agenda of the Planning Commission. Mailed and posted notice will be provided in advance of the meeting when the item will be discussed.

The North Central CAC voted on the case 7(Y) - 10(N)
The request is consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
The request is consistent with the Future Land Use Map.
The request is consistent with the Urban Form Map.

The deadline for Planning Commission action is August 10, 2020.


Proud to have been one of the Ys at that CAC meeting.


GOD, good thing the CACs have been abolished.
The request is consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
The request is consistent with the Future Land Use Map.
The request is consistent with the Urban Form Map.

CAC vote? “No” - so stupid.


Same! And I won’t miss those ridiculous conversations (yelling sessions) for things that mostly don’t even have anything to do with the rezoning request. I hope this at least gets rezoned. Maybe it won’t get developed for a while, but at least DX-40 for the potential.


Given that it is consistent with with all of the above, and the fact that this new council abolished the CACs themselves and clearly won’t pay any mind to past CAC votes on proposals, I have no doubt they will approve the rezoning!


So we can get this transforming project off the ground

So this mean now the CACs are gone. Then this can go forward but the planning commission still needs to be reformed in terms of the process and wait period. So instead of 3 years just months likes 2 months. Appearance Commission still needs to be abolished.

Yeah that’s only if they get a tenant that buys 50% of the building first

Well they really must be having a hard time with this.

It’s a rezoning, bud, and they’re hunting for a unicorn to assist in the financing…
It’s not SimCity.


I know it’s a rezoning but even though it that and it get approved. Construction may not start. And I play Cities Skyline BTW…