2022: The Year in Review

Top #Transit and Transportation Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study 29
Raleigh-Eastern NC passenger rail 21
GoRaleigh and their elusive electric buses 19
Intercity Passenger Rail in North Carolina 10

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study 34
Intercity Passenger Rail in North Carolina 27
Raleigh-Eastern NC passenger rail 22

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
The Future of transit in Raleigh 435
RDU Expansion/2040 Master Plan 265
Commuter Rail - Garner to West Durham 264
SEHSR (Southeast High Speed Rail) and the S-Line Corridor 100
Density / Urban Sprawl 88

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study 37
Intercity Passenger Rail in North Carolina 33
Raleigh-Eastern NC passenger rail 31
GoRaleigh and their elusive electric buses 20
Raleigh Roads - Where They Came From, and Where They're Going 12